
Wer hat ein Jobangebot für Ukrainer?

Die ASI hat eine Plattform auf ihrer Website eingerichtet, auf der Gastronomen, Weingutbesitzer, Geschäfte, Ausbildungsbetriebe usw. aus Europa Stellenangebote ausschließlich für Ukrainer veröffentlichen können. Jedes Stellenangebot wird vom ASI-Team geprüft und nach Genehmigung für 4 Wochen kostenlos veröffentlicht.

Wer hat ein Jobangebot für Ukrainer?


We are all concerned about the fate of our Ukrainian friends, their families and loved ones. The unprovoked war has forced the people of Ukraine to defend themselves against the Russian invaders, many people have become homeless and millions, mostly women and children, have left the country. ASI has prepared an initiative that we hope will help many Ukrainians find work in hospitality, wine producing and wine retail sectors in our countries.

  • ASI has organized and will promote a platform on our website, where restaurateurs, vineyard owners, shops, training companies, etc. from Europe will be able to post job offers exclusively for Ukrainians. Every job offer will be checked by ASI designated team and after approval will be posted for 4 weeks for free of charge.

 Formular für Jobangebote

The situation in Ukraine requires, first and foremost, financial support initiatives through authorised organisations which provides medicine, food clothing and organise aid to refugees. We would like to ask you to promote and encourage financial support for Ukraine among your members and partners. We recommend proven organisations through which you can support those in need in Ukraine, if you have your own sources, use them, the most important thing is that the aid goes to the right people: